Teaching faculty for B.Ed., consists of:
Name | Dr. Sabreena Bobby | |
Designation | PRINCIPAL | |
Qualification | M.Sc. (Maths) M.A. (psychology) M.Ed. M.Phil, Ph.D | |
Gender | Female | |
Subject | 1. Pedagogy of Mathematics 2. Psychology of Childhood & Adolesscence 3. Inclusive Education |
Date of Appointment | 15-12-2022 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 18 Years | |
Email Id: | drsabreenabobby@gmail.com | |
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | N. Rajini Rao | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | M.Sc. M.Ed., NET | |
Gender | Female | |
Subject | Pedagogy of Biological Science | |
Date of Appointment | 18-06-2007 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 15 | |
Email Id: | rajinishravan@yahoo.com | |
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | B. Dhanalaxmi | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | M.Sc. M.Ed., NET | |
Gender | Female | |
Subject | Pedagogy of Mathematics | |
Date of Appointment | 16-10-2008 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 14 | |
Email Id: | dhannu2891@gmail.com | |
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount |
Name | Kashifa Fatima | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | M.A. M.Ed. | |
Gender | Female | |
Subject | English | |
Date of Appointment | 02-01-2008 | |
Nature of Appointment |
Experience | 14 | |
Email Id: | kashifabasith37@gmail.com | |
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated | |
Name | V Sasikala | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | MSC, M.Ed. NET | |
Gender | Female | |
Subject | Physical Science | |
Date of Appointment | 01-09-2012 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 10 | |
Email Id: | sasikala7708@gmail.com | |
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount |
Name | Zehra Taj | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | M.A. M.Ed. | |
Gender |
Subject | English | |
Date of Appointment | 02-02-2015 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 7 | |
Email Id: | zehrataj31@gmail.com | |
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | Syed Altaf Hussain | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | M.Sc. M.Ed., | |
Gender | Male | |
Subject | Psychology | |
Date of Appointment | 10-05-2015 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 7 | |
Email Id: | hsaltaf71@gmail.com | |
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | P Kranthi Kiran | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | MFA | |
Gender | Male | |
Subject | Performing Arts | |
Date of Appointment | 11-02-2015 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 7 | |
Email Id: | kranthiponuuru@gmail.com | |
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount |
Name | Hafeeza Begum | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | M.A. M.Ed. | |
Gender | Female | |
Subject | Pedagogy of Social Science | |
Date of Appointment | 05-03-2016 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 6 | |
Email Id: | mrskhaan786@gmail.com | |
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | Syed ishaq Basha | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | MA, M.Ed. | |
Gender | Male | |
Subject | Social Studies | |
Date of Appointment | 01-06-2018 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 4 | |
Email Id: | ||
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | Nilofer Nasrin | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | M.A. M.Ed., | |
Gender | Female | |
Subject | Pedagogy of Social Science | |
Date of Appointment | 15-02-2018 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 4 | |
Email Id: | ||
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | Prabhakar Sahoo | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | M.F.A, NET | |
Gender | Male | |
Subject | visual Arts | |
Date of Appointment | 07-01-2019 | |
Date of Leaving | 31-12-2021 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 3 | |
Email Id: | prabhakar.sahooy@gmail.com | |
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | Kuraakula Chandra Shekar | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | M.P.Ed. | |
Gender | Male | |
Subject | Physical Education | |
Date of Appointment | 07-08-2019 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 3 | |
Email Id: | kcsmped@gmail.com | |
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | Fabiha Kishwar | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | M.Sc. M.Ed., NET | |
Gender | Female | |
Subject | Pedagogy of Biological Science | |
Date of Appointment | 22-11-2019 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 3 | |
Email Id: | fabiha.kishwar@gmail.com | |
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | Mohammad Alimpasha Afsarpasha | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | M.A. M.Ed., Ph.D, NET | |
Gender | Male | |
Subject | English | |
Date of Appointment | 08-03-2021 | |
Date of Leaving | 20-06-2023 | |
Experience | 4 | |
Email Id: | malimpasha@gmail.com | |
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | Ayesha Siddiqua | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | M.Sc. M.Ed., NET, SET | |
Gender | Female | |
Subject | Pedagogy of Biological Science | |
Date of Appointment | 08-03-2021 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 1 | |
Email Id: | ayesha12siddiqua@gmail.com | |
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | Afreen Begum | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | M.A. M.Ed., NET | |
Gender | Female | |
Subject | English | |
Date of Appointment |
Nature of Appointment |
Experience | 4 | |
Email Id: | Princess.khan20@gmail.com | |
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | Ayesha Sultana | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | M.Sc. M.Ed., NET | |
Gender | Female | |
Subject | Pedagogy of Physical Science | |
Date of Appointment | 05-03-2021 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 3 Years | |
Email Id: | ashis4lover@gmail.com | |
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | Saroj Kumar Badatya | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | MFA | |
Gender | Male | |
Subject | Visual Arts | |
Date of Appointment | 01-09-2021 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 1 | |
Email Id: | sarojkumarbadatya1@gmail.com | |
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | Tajuddin Shaik | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | MSC, M.Ed. SLET | |
Gender | Male | |
Subject | Physical Sciences | |
Date of Appointment | 09-12-2021 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 1 | |
Email Id: | tajuddin1405.shaik@gmail.com | |
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | Shaik Mahamood Pasha | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | MA, M.Ed. SET | |
Gender | Male | |
Subject | Social Sciences | |
Date of Appointment | 09-12-2021 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 1 | |
Email Id: | mahmoodshaik1981@gmail.com | |
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | Naresh Kashaboina | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | MSC, M.Ed. NET | |
Gender | Male | |
Subject | Mathematics | |
Date of Appointment | 09-12-2021 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 1 | |
Email Id: | kashaboina.naresh@gmail.com | |
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | E. Janaki | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | M.Sc. (Maths) M.Ed. | |
Gender | Female | |
Subject | Education | |
Date of Appointment | 26-02-2016 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 8 Years | |
Email Id: | ||
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | Fareesa Sultana Khatoon | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | M.Com., M.Ed. | |
Gender | Female | |
Subject | Education | |
Date of Appointment | 05-03-2015 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 9 Years | |
Email Id: | ||
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | Ellivatla Saidulu | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | M.A, M.Ed., NET | |
Gender | Male | |
Subject | Education | |
Date of Appointment | 26-06-2024 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | Fresh | |
Email Id: | ||
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | Gudiboina indra | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | M.A, M.Ed., SET | |
Gender | Female | |
Subject | Education | |
Date of Appointment | 26-06-2024 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | Fresh | |
Email Id: | ||
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | Dr.Prasanna Kumar Poluru | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | M.Sc., M.Ed., NET, Ph.D. | |
Gender | Male | |
Subject | Education | |
Date of Appointment | 26-06-2024 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | Fresh | |
Email Id: | ||
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | Sadam Raju | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | M.Sc., M.Ed., NET | |
Gender | Male | |
Subject | Education | |
Date of Appointment | 26-06-2024 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | Fresh | |
Email Id: | ||
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | Tabassum Begum | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | M.A, M.Ed. | |
Gender | Female | |
Subject | Education | |
Date of Appointment | 13 - 02 - 2023 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 1 Year | |
Email Id: | ||
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Teaching faculty for D.Ed., consists of:
Name | Patan Khasim Khan | |
Designation | Principal | |
Qualification | M.Sc. M.Ed.. | |
Gender | Male | |
Subject | Pedagogy of Mathematics | |
Date of Appointment | 05-02-2024 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 11 | |
Email Id: | khasimshaa4@gmail.com | |
Approved by | Director of School Education | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | T. Bichanna | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | M.A. M.Ed.. | |
Gender | Male | |
Subject | Telugu | |
Date of Appointment | 01-12-2013 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 9 | |
Email Id: | thallabichanna@gmail.com | |
Approved by | Director of School Education | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | Swaminath Gottumukkala | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | M.A. M.Ed., | |
Gender | Male | |
Subject | Biological Science | |
Date of Appointment | 27-06-2016 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 6 | |
Email Id: | swamirag@gmail.com | |
Approved by | Director of School Education | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | Sadia Sabeen Munawar | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | M.A. M.Ed., | |
Gender | Female | |
Subject | Pedagogy of Social Studies | |
Date of Appointment | 05-02-2024 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 5 | |
Email Id: | sadiasabeen23@gmail.com | |
Approved by | Director of School Education | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | Sara Sultana | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | M.Sc. M.Ed. | |
Gender | Female | |
Subject | Biological Science | |
Date of Appointment | 21-11-2019 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 2 | |
Email Id: | sweetsultana9@gmail.com | |
Approved by | Director of School Education | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | Kuraakula Chandra Shekar | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | M.P.Ed. | |
Gender | Male | |
Subject | Physical Education | |
Date of Appointment | 07-08-2019 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 3 | |
Email Id: | kcsmped@gmail.com | |
Approved by | OU, Staff Selection Committee | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | Saroj Kumar Badatya | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification | MFA | |
Gender | Male | |
Subject | Visual Arts | |
Date of Appointment | 01-09-2021 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 1 | |
Email Id: | sarojkumarbadatya1@gmail.com | |
Approved by | Director of School Education | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Name | Ramesh C | |
Designation | Lecturer | |
Qualification |
Gender | Male | |
Subject | Sociology | |
Date of Appointment | 05-07-2021 | |
Nature of Appointment | Regular | |
Experience | 1 | |
Email Id: | chemudalaram@gmail.com | |
Approved by | Director of School Education | |
Pay Scale or Consolidated Amount | Consolidated |
Notice Board
Student Report - The following report is auto-generated based on compliance guidelines of NCTE2015-17 B.Ed., (4319) - Admission is done on the basis of ED-CET and Counseling
2015-17 D.Ed., (2536) - Admission is done on the basis of DIET-CET and Counseling
Supported Links
NCTE - National Council for Teacher EducationSCERT - State Council of Educational Research and Training